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Course NumberS-EL06-83.01WBT
GM/CoL Equivalent Course Number18420.04W6
Delivery PlatformW--Service Web-Based Training
Smart Phone CompatibleNo
Tablet CompatibleNo
Course Browser ModeStandards Based (HTML 5)

Course NameAdvanced Technology Vehicle Transmission 6: 4EL70
DescriptionThis WBT course covers the features and operation of the 4EL70 transmission. Those features include transmission specifications, components and their operation, drive modes, diagnostics, and towing methods.

Upon completion of this course, technicians will be able to:
  • Describe 4EL70 transmission features
  • Describe 4EL70 transmission specifications
  • Describe the 4EL70 automatic transmission components and their operation
  • Explain the 4EL70 transmission drive modes
  • Explain the 4EL70 transmission diagnostic and service procedures
  • Identify the recommended towing methods
Retail Price (USD)100.00
Two Step Enrollment OverrideNo
Course Notes
Effective Start Date06/01/2017

Effective End Date06/01/2027

Duration (in days)
Course Hours1

Expiration Period
Course CategoryAlternative Propulsion

Active CourseYes