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Course NumberS-EP08-29.01WBT
GM/CoL Equivalent Course Number16240.70W
Delivery PlatformW--Service Web-Based Training
Smart Phone CompatibleNo
Tablet CompatibleNo
Course Browser ModeStandards Based (HTML 5)
TechTube(Not Set)

Course NameBi-Fuel System Operation
DescriptionGeneral Motors bi-fuel systems use a combination of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fuel and traditional gasoline systems. This course covers the process of how the bi-fuel system operates and performs in comparison to a traditional gasoline vehicle. It also identifies components involved in bi-fuel system operation and bi-fuel supply operations. Bi-fuel diagnostic scenarios for no start and improper CNG operation will be discussed. In addition to diagnostics, the bi-fuel inspection and maintenance process including leak checking and tank removal safety will be presented. Vehicle storage will also be covered. Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to describe the bi-fuel system components and operation, describe bi-fuel system diagnostic procedures, and recall bi-fuel system inspection and maintenance procedures.

Upon completion of this course, technicians will be able to:
  • Describe the bi-fuel system components and operation
  • Describe bi-fuel system diagnostic procedures
  • Recall bi-fuel system inspection and maintenance procedures
Retail Price (USD)100.00
Two Step Enrollment OverrideNo
Course Notes
Effective Start Date01/27/2018

Effective End Date09/21/2030

Duration (in days)
Course Hours1

Expiration Period
Course CategoryEngine Performance

Active CourseYes